Arr sat cross legged on the pod’s ramp
in the shade of the doorway. Kay-o lay by his side, his tongue lolling out from
the heat of the desert surrounding them.
Arr hated the pod. The first English
medical term he learned was ‘claustrophobic.’ The pod was stiflingly cramped.
The initial trip in it from his home planet to Jake’s ship, the Calpernia, was
almost unbearable. Jake insisted on strapping him in the first time. The second
time Arr did a very juvenile thing, he growled at Jake. Arr was eighteen and
once his species, the henu, reached adulthood it was considered extremely rude
to growl, but he couldn’t help himself. Jake backed off and he made the
flight white knuckled and grinding teeth all the way to the Calpernia.
He was thrilled to find that the
claustrophobia subsided once he was out in the larger ship. It was a great
relief since staying on his home planet would have meant living the rest of his
life alone after the devastating attack of ‘The
Others’ wiped out his people.