Saturday, March 28, 2020

Star Trader Update .020


Arr sat cross legged on the pod’s ramp in the shade of the doorway. Kay-o lay by his side, his tongue lolling out from the heat of the desert surrounding them.
            Arr hated the pod. The first English medical term he learned was ‘claustrophobic.’ The pod was stiflingly cramped. The initial trip in it from his home planet to Jake’s ship, the Calpernia, was almost unbearable. Jake insisted on strapping him in the first time. The second time Arr did a very juvenile thing, he growled at Jake. Arr was eighteen and once his species, the henu, reached adulthood it was considered extremely rude to growl, but he couldn’t help himself. Jake backed off and he made the flight white knuckled and grinding teeth all the way to the Calpernia.
He was thrilled to find that the claustrophobia subsided once he was out in the larger ship. It was a great relief since staying on his home planet would have meant living the rest of his life alone after the devastating attack of ‘The Others’ wiped out his people.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Star Trader Update .019


It was the second day of my incarceration at Mazala. TiSenge slapped me in chains and was having his inquisitors question me. They were using sleep deprivation and repetition. I guess they thought real violent torture was inappropriate for a female. So far everything they asked was something I was at liberty to tell.
Yes, I knew Aldobi-rand.
I escaped from his men.
I came to TiSenge to offer my services against the foul leader, Rand.
No, I did not know what Aldobi-rand’s plans were concerning aggression toward Mazala.
No, I was not paid to come and spy on TiSenge.
My mind was worn to a frazzle. I was physically exhausted to the core. I would have given anything to have never seen Alta III much less set foot on it.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Star Trader Update .018


“It’s part of the deal,” I said as I stood hands on hips trying to reflect my determination. “I contact my people so they don’t go off halfcocked and call in back-up to evac me.”
            “What assurances do I have you will not signal them somehow to come in anyway?” Aldobi-rand asked.
            “You have my blaster. You have a dead body. Do you really need more?” I asked, frustrated.
I needed to get to the pod. It would do me no good to run, Aldobi-rand would just turn me in. I was sure of that. He was just controlling enough to keep his promise whether he benefitted from it or not. I intended to palm the detonation device for my blaster that Sam made me. If all else failed I wouldn’t be framed for murder. No blaster, no tracing Mulott to me. At least not for certain.
            “I also have my spacer boots in the pod. If TiSenge wants a warrior princess, I can give him Warrior Princess.”  Besides, I far preferred my spacer boots to the lightweight leather boots of Arr’s if I was caught in another fight.

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