Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Why I haven't been on Social Media since May 2018

Greetings my friends and faithful readers,

Thank you for sticking with me during this momentary slump in my writing regime. I assure you I will get my writing mojo back.

They say 'confession is good for the soul'. I don't like to talk about health issues on the internet, but I want you all to know why I have not been on much social media since May of 2018. I know you were used to seeing me daily on Twitter and having me post a serial story chapter 'here', weekly without fail, for the past 24 years.

In May, I underwent a lung biopsy. I was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis and Hypersensitivity Pnuemonitis. This means that I inhaled a toxic gas over a period of time which has permanently damaged my lungs. I have retired as of October 31st and therefore am no longer in that environment.

The bad news is, I will never fully recover. The good news is, I am off oxygen now and hope to regain 5-20% of the lung capacity I lost through clean living and holistic medicine. The modern medical community didn't have much to offer me for treatment. Prednisone was their only option. I chose not to go with that. Too many side effects.

The doctor gave me a "Sell by" date, but I intend to turn it into a "Best by" date and make them all eat their words.

So I am meditating, taking regular walks, eating right, doing acupuncture, and resting (a lot). Unfortunately, at this point, everything is an effort, even just writing a blog post.

I have a great support system of friends and I will get beyond this. I am not my disease. I am Theresa Snyder, author of Fantasy, Scifi and Paranormal.

If you'd like to get a heads-up on my latest book releases, sales, and freebies, make sure to sign up for my newsletter! And you don't have to worry about getting a bunch of junk - I only send it out when I really have something you might want to hear about.

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